How Cute Am I?

My room has had to be rearranged after an innocent cd player was viciously attacked and pushed onto the floor…

Hey, I had to grab at something to celebrate my first time standing up in my cot 🙂

This is me looking all cute, chewing on my sleeping bag as though the thought of wreaking havoc had never occurred to me. Heehee.

Sitting Up In Your Cot: A Tutorial

I have just realised that I can sit up, and even pull myself up to standing, in my cot. Oh boy, how can I fall asleep now that I have this knowledge?

I thought I’d better share my new skill with this quick ‘How To’:

1. Start off in the tummy position, with your hands well placed on either side of you.

2. Push yourself up on one arm. Use your elbow and the opposite hand.

3. Give a good push, and you’re sitting up!

4. Look really pleased with yourself to finish off the move.

The Clocks Have Changed

This week I noticed the bear hanging on my cot for the first time. I love stroking its soft tail and rubbing the tag on it – those are the two things I can reach easily.

Today I had to wear sunscreen  for the first time. I did not like having it rubbed onto my face, but Mamma said that if I wanted to watch Pappa playing football then I had to wear sunscreen.

Another first was that I saw my friend Kayla for the first time since she was 3 weeks old – that was about 5 months ago! I saw her at Big Fish on Thursday, and then again at church this morning, and then again when our dads played in the tournament this afternoon.

This week I also found out that I have a toothbrush. And I discovered that only one end of it is nice for chewing on.

As you can see from the pictures, I have ‘found’ a new toy. And I’m not talking about the toothbrush. Let’s just say, Mamma is glad I have my nappy on in these pictures. She keeps saying things like ouch and nee, eina! I’m not sure what she’s on about – it doesn’t hurt one bit when I test how stretchy it is…

This weekend the clocks have changed – apparently we lost an hour. I’m not sure what it’s all about, but Mamma says it means we have only one hour time difference between us and Granny, Grandpa, Ouma and Oupa. That will make it easier to talk to them, which is great news!

Well, we’ve had a lovely long weekend, with plenty of celebrations and visitors. The adults barbec… I mean, braaied (Pappa says I have to call it a braai) and ate Pappa’s birthday cake, while I got to see lots of new faces and hang out with some familiar ones. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this a lovely birthday weekend for my Pappa 🙂

*Mamma says don’t forget, there are photos on her blog about our week too – have a look at Wednesday and Thursday for pictures (the link to her blog is just over to the left in my blogroll).

The Week So Far… A Quickie

This is actually just to say that there are photos of the week so far over on Mamma’s blog today. I’m a bit too busy enjoying the sunshine and entertaining Mamma to write a long post at the moment…

Look over to the left hand side of the screen, there’s a link to her blog where it says ‘Blogroll’.

See it?


PS I’m feeling soooo much better. My spots have dried out and my dribble rash has cleared up and my teeth aren’t hassling me. I’ve even had a few mouthfuls of proper food this week 🙂


What A Week!

Hanging out with Pappa

Well, what a week I’ve had…

Pappa came home from a week away – we had such fun hanging out! And he brought back a colourful mini rugby ball for me from France! Unfortunately, he also brought a cold with him, so he wasn’t feeling very well, and now Mamma has a cold too. And now… I have a contagious skin disease! [Ooops, Mamma doesn’t think I should sound so pleased about it, but I think it’s quite exciting, really: I’ve not been too itchy or poorly at all, but any time I do feel a little off colour I get lots of extra cuddles, and since I can’t go out anywhere, I’ve had lots of time to play with Mamma and Pappa without having to rush around or see lots of new faces or even bother with getting dressed up. Mamma and I have had some lovely pyjama days 🙂 ]

Messy Eater

This week I got totally covered in sweet potato mush. I think I was supposed to eat it, but I was far more interested in chewing on the spoon and playing with the shower curtain that Mamma spread out on the floor (yes, a shower curtain!) so the orange mush landed up everywhere except in my mouth. This food stuff still tastes and feels too weird.

I’ve started rolling around like crazy in my cot so Pappa and Mamma have lowered the mattress… I have a big baby cot now! Now Mamma doesn’t have to worry about my kicking and bashing and rolling at night. I like sleeping on my tummy now, and my new game is kicking the cot mobile on and off when I’m supposed to be going to sleep. Heehee.

We’ve had such lovely sunny days this week, so I’ve spent a bit of time outdoors. Mamma kept taking photos of my feet – she says it’s important to have photos of the first time my feet got dirty from being in the grass. Crazy lady.

And another thing we did before Mamma realised that I was highly contagious, was to go to the library. I got my first ever library book using my new library card.

So all in all, not a bad week, but definitely not a ‘normal’ one either!

PS Mamma said she would post some more photos later. That means when I’m in bed tonight, I suppose.

A Day In Town

Saturday was the day for our first visit to a new group – the Plymouth Multilingual Families support group. The group only meets once a month so we’ve had to wait a while since Mamma found out about it.

We had such a good time! I met people who speak lots of different languages, but we are the first Afrikaans-speaking members they’ve ever had 🙂 At the end everyone sat in a circle to sing some ‘goodbye’ songs and Mamma told them that we say totsiens, so they all sang the goodbye song using totsiens instead of goodbye. I hope that Pappa can join us next time.

Mamma and I also had a lovely wander around town in the sunshine. It was so busy and noisy and I just loved watching everything that was going on.

On the way home

After our noisy time in town, we had a chilled out broccoli session on the kitchen floor… yes, it was as weird as it sounds! Broccoli feels very strange but it’s actually quite interesting to chew on. I wasn’t all that taken with the carrot sticks, though. And of course, the bowl that can spin and roll was the best thing about our play time!

I can’t wait to see Pappa! He’ll get home after my bedtime, but I’ll see him first thing in the morning. I can’t wait 🙂 Perhaps I should wake up at around 4am again, like I’ve been doing for Mamma…

Fun Friday

What a fun day! I was so excited to get started that I woke up at 4:30am. Despite Mamma’s best efforts, I just wasn’t interested in going back to sleep – I rolled around, and chatted to myself, and even tried to pull down the cot mobile… until finally Mamma got me out of my sleeping bag and let me play. I made Mamma laugh by blowing raspberries all the time, and she just cracked me up pretending to bite me. I think it’s soooo funny! (Also, I’ve started noticing when she tickles my feet… I haven’t decided if I like the feeling or not, sometimes it’s quite nice but other times I move my foot away quickly to make her stop.)

Later on this morning we went to the toy library to choose some new toys – more fun and games for me!

The best thing of all was going to visit my friends Grace and Malachi 🙂 They gave me so many kisses and cuddles, and we read books and played with our toys together.

The only thing that wasn’t so much fun was that I had to watch them all eating a very tasty-looking supper. Mamma let me suck on a lettuce leaf, but that was pretty boring, to be honest.

Thanks, lovely friends, for having me over to play 🙂