Mamma and Pappa thought a Frequently Asked Questions page might be helpful for my friends and family far away. This way, you lovely people can check up on how I’m doing and what I’m doing and how many teeth I have. Let me know if there are any other questions that you would like to see on this page…

**Any changes or updates are in bold to make it easier to see what’s new.

Q: How old are you?

A: I am 11months old.

Q: How much do you weigh?

A: 9.18kg / 20lb 3oz

Q:How many teeth do you have?

A: Eight! Four at the top, four at the bottom.

Q: What is your favourite food?

A: I have quite a long list these days: oranges, avocado pear, ,dried apricot, and pear. Mamma has given up trying to feed me squished up food with a spoon – I wasn’t interested at all! I much prefer being able to feed myself. 

Q: What toys do you play with the most?

A: I love anything I can shake or bang, and one of my favourite games is to hide in the curtains and peek-a-boo! And I love pressing the buttons on mobile phones and remotes.  I like playing with my ball too, and pulling books or dvd’s off the shelves. And I keep myself busy for ages by covering up a toy with a blanket or towel, then pulling the blanket off to look for the toy! Then I hide the little toy again by covering it.

Q: What can you say?

A: Well, I have some very serious conversations with my parents – I chatter away for ages and sometimes add a little shout or giggle to make sure they know what I’m on about.

Q: What new things can you do?

A: I always wave and point at things I see or people walking past… I like smiling and chatting with anyone I see.  I’m pretty good at walking around the coffee table or baby cage play pen holding on. And I grab at anything I can find so Mamma and Pappa are always trying to take things away from me. I’m learning to take turns, and think it’s very funny to give Mamma or Pappa a turn with whatever I’m chewing on/playing with. Especially if it’s my food 🙂 I like turning the pages in books, and I’ve recently discovered that drawers can be opened to reveal lots of lovely things to pull out, tear up and chew on.

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